Tag : Barbara Trainin Blank

Prebiotics and Probiotics and Your Healthy Gut

The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to change the food you eat into the energy and nutrients your body needs. Within that system also live “good bacteria” that enable proper digestion and a state of…

Compounding Medications Making a Comeback

We frequently hear today about personalized practice of medicine. There are a few different definitions, but a general one might be: a medical model that separates people into different groups — with medical decisions, practices, interventions, and/or products tailored to…

Sleep Apnea: What Seems Like Nothing Serious Might Be

Sleep should be a restful, refreshing time. But it isn’t always, especially for those with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the frequent collapse of the airway during sleep. “When the airway collapses, your brain will…

When Breast Cancer Metastasizes to the Brain

Sometimes cancer doesn’t stay in its original place. Metastatic cancer means the cancer has left its primary site and spread—that could be to the liver, brain, bones, or lungs. In the case of brain-metastatic breast cancer, it is the breast…