Daily Archives : December 1, 2018

Beautiful You

Growing up in Lancaster Township, Erin Baughman has always been a hometown girl. “I’ve been an athlete most of my life,” she said. “Many people know me from being on a ball field.” But when she was a junior in…

Hiring — A Puzzling Process

The process of hiring (and getting hired) can be puzzling, even in these days of low unemployment. With candidates able to be more selective about their options, companies are seeking the services of professionals to assist them in navigating this…

Public Speaking – Preparing for and Getting through Your Presentation

Butterflies, sweaty palms, dry mouth — these are just some of the symptoms most public speakers experience. In fact, in Communication for Business and the Professions, Patricia Hayes Andrews and John E. Baird Jr. point out that, according to at…

A Big Chill

The first time you step into a cryotherapy chamber can be quite unnerving, knowing that soon your entire body will be surrounded by extremely cold air that can go as low as -240 degrees. But the anxiety of the unknown…

Sleep Apnea: What Seems Like Nothing Serious Might Be

Sleep should be a restful, refreshing time. But it isn’t always, especially for those with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the frequent collapse of the airway during sleep. “When the airway collapses, your brain will…