Category : Family

11 Must-Have Phone Apps for Parents

Parents have countless reasons to worry about their kids’ safety from the time they’re born right on through the teen years. Unfortunately, technology is a big culprit. Yet, it can also serve to help keep kids safe. Many phone apps…

How to Teach Your Kids Critical Thinking Skills & Books that Foster Objective Thought

“Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.” – Roger Lewin, Ph.D., British anthropologist and science writer Every day we’re inundated with information and often from two opposing sides. So how do we teach kids…

What Age is Best for Your Tween or Teen to Have a Cellphone?

“Everyone has a cellphone but me,” whined my 12-year-old daughter. “Your twin brother doesn’t have one either,” I responded. A variation of this same conversation had been going on between us for years. Since my twins have lost their North…

How Cyber Charter Schools and Homeschooling Help Students Grow

Most educators agree: Not every child learns the same. While some students flourish with hands-on experiences, others love burying their noses in a book. Some students master the art of leadership in group settings, while others develop the most when…

How to Work From Home with Kids During COVID-19

As COVID-19 sweeps the planet and country, and shelter-in-place orders and precautions are taken to protect our health, Americans are trying to adjust to a new normal. School and work closures have families staying home except for essential needs. Kids…

Gambling and Gaming Addictions on the Rise among Teens

Mention addictions, and most people think of drugs and alcohol. While they are pervasive, gambling and internet gaming are growing addictions, particularly among teens, that are not attracting as much attention. According to the Council of Compulsive Gambling of PA,…

How to Choose a Summer Camp Your Kids Will Love and You Approve Of

Whether you’re looking for enrichment for your child, a way to keep your kids occupied and supervised while you work, or a short reprieve from parenting, there’s sure to be a summer camp that’s the right fit for your child…

5 Amazing TED Talks EVERY Busy Parent Should Hear

“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” – Unknown If you’re a parent, then by definition you’re busy and also quite possibly overwhelmed. When parenting overwhelms us, it’s time to rethink our approach and…

Managing Your Teen’s Anger

Disrespectful texts from your teen: “I HATE U SO MUCH!” Yelling, screaming, shoving matches, punching walls. The f-word. Verbally and physically aggressive behavior isn’t unusual for teens, especially if it’s directed at their parents and siblings. After all, to develop…

A Mother’s Plea to Save Her Son from the Throes of Mental Illness

Signs to Watch for in Your Teen or Young Adult Regardless of our kids’ trials and tribulations during childhood and into the early teen years, the furthest thing from any parent’s mind is that our young adult child might develop…