Category : Career

How to Monitor and Maximize Your Online Reputation

It may surprise you to learn that online communication where we can talk in groups, solicit opinions, answer questions, etc. (like social media), has roots that go back over 40 years to the online bulletin boards that formed in the…

Three Ways to Motivate and Manage Your Sales Force for High Performance

Every business owner wants to have a highly motivated, top-producing sales team, regardless of who is responsible for performing the sales management function. The pressing question is how to achieve that goal. While many factors contribute to sales management success…

The Personal — and Professional — Benefits of Volunteering

Women entrepreneurs and business owners face a number of challenges, not the least of which is time management. Yet, for many professional women, the upside of spending some of their very valuable time on philanthropic endeavors cannot be overstated. Charities…

How I Use Disagreements to Build Stronger Teams

Because I facilitate team sessions for a living, I’ve seen a lot of team interactions — all kinds of drama, some shouting and tears, but also a lot of laughter, joy, and bold action. Much about teamwork has been researched,…

Best Practices for Managing Remote Workers

By TORI FICA You know that cousin you haven’t spoken to in years? It’s not because you don’t like her — you just moved away from each other and lost touch. A month without contact turns into six months, then…

Employee Engagement is an Inside Job

Whether you’re familiar with the term “employee engagement” or not, you may be conjuring up an image of employee group volunteer activities, employees talking one-on-one with managers, company picnics, or even team huddles. All of those things may very well…

Business Tips for Surviving the COVID-19 Crisis

These are difficult times for a small business, for all businesses. Usual ways of gaining and conducting business have been upended. What should we be doing now, and what can we learn from this experience to apply in our business…

Pre-Employment Background Checks

Hiring a staff member is an important step for any company, but it may also seem like a daunting task. The task includes steps such as seeking applicants, reviewing applications, narrowing down the pool of candidates, interviewing potential candidates, and…

Entrepreneurial Strategies for Working from Home Successfully

Even as COVID-19 stay-at-home orders gradually lift, many companies and individuals will continue to work from home for many months ahead to maintain social distancing. A growing number of companies were already heading in the direction of remote work before…

Employee Benefits/ERISA: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

As the COVID-19crisis deepens, manyhardworking Americansare looking for answers from the government and their employers about the impact on their 401(k) and employee health plans. Julie Selesnick, of counsel at Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC in Washington, D.C., and…