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BusinessWoman magazine

Best Practices for Managing Remote Workers

By TORI FICA You know that cousin you haven’t spoken to in years? It’s not because you don’t like her — you just moved away from each other and lost touch. A month without contact turns into six months, then…

What Age is Best for Your Tween or Teen to Have a Cellphone?

“Everyone has a cellphone but me,” whined my 12-year-old daughter. “Your twin brother doesn’t have one either,” I responded. A variation of this same conversation had been going on between us for years. Since my twins have lost their North…

Warm Up to Veggie-Packed Soup

When the weather outside is frightful, we could all use a cozy soup for supper. A steaming bowl of Rustic Vegetable-Beet Soup provides instant comfort. The ease and convenience of Aunt Nellie’s pickled beets can’t be “beet” — no need…

Triumph Over Obstacles

Hagir Elsheikh knows what it means to fight for what you believe in. The owner of the very successful HSE Staffing Agency LLC, Elsheikh has worked hard for every success that has come her way — often at great personal…

Women and Their Retirement Future

Many women have concerns about their financial futures. From gender-specific complications, to underfunded savings, to sometimes self-inflicted financial downfalls, women generally do not receive as much monthly income as men.1 Let’s try to answer some of the “why” questions. Why…

Employee Engagement is an Inside Job

Whether you’re familiar with the term “employee engagement” or not, you may be conjuring up an image of employee group volunteer activities, employees talking one-on-one with managers, company picnics, or even team huddles. All of those things may very well…

How Cyber Charter Schools and Homeschooling Help Students Grow

Most educators agree: Not every child learns the same. While some students flourish with hands-on experiences, others love burying their noses in a book. Some students master the art of leadership in group settings, while others develop the most when…

Crowd-Pleasing Summer Entertaining

If you’re hosting a backyard barbecue, game night or TV show marathon with friends this summer, it’s helpful to have a plan in mind before diving in. Consider these tips and recipes featuring Mrs. T’s Pierogies that can help make…

Orientation for the Adult Learner

Institutions are trying to figure out how to introduce a growing population of older students to their campuses. Most of the undergraduates headed for or returning to college this year will be inundated with welcome week and orientation events designed…

Business Tips for Surviving the COVID-19 Crisis

These are difficult times for a small business, for all businesses. Usual ways of gaining and conducting business have been upended. What should we be doing now, and what can we learn from this experience to apply in our business…