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BusinessWoman magazine

How to Work From Home with Kids During COVID-19

As COVID-19 sweeps the planet and country, and shelter-in-place orders and precautions are taken to protect our health, Americans are trying to adjust to a new normal. School and work closures have families staying home except for essential needs. Kids…

Prebiotics and Probiotics and Your Healthy Gut

The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to change the food you eat into the energy and nutrients your body needs. Within that system also live “good bacteria” that enable proper digestion and a state of…

Wearable Fitness Tech in Every Price Range

Fitness and health are vital components to a balanced lifestyle. Ask most people and they likely have some sort of health or fitness-related goal. And now, with many people having to monitor their own exercise routines because of the pandemic,…

McKenzie and Aquatic Therapies Put Patients Back in Charge of Pain Management

When it comes to navigating your own health, there’s something to be said for the restorative powers of self-management. As much as it wears you down physically, chronic pain can have a corrosive psychological effect as well, as it begins…

Gambling and Gaming Addictions on the Rise among Teens

Mention addictions, and most people think of drugs and alcohol. While they are pervasive, gambling and internet gaming are growing addictions, particularly among teens, that are not attracting as much attention. According to the Council of Compulsive Gambling of PA,…

Are Your Habits Doing You Good — Or Doing You In?

Achieving success or struggling depends on many factors, but habits go a long way toward determining either outcome. They are the patterns that, over time, create the results in our lives. Habits themselves are neither good nor bad but rather…

When Life Shifts, Shift Your Practices

COVID-19 has upended life as we know it, and all generations have needed to adjust to the change and shift in our daily routines. Maybe you are getting the hang of this new work-from-home scenario now. But as businesses reopen,…

Pre-Employment Background Checks

Hiring a staff member is an important step for any company, but it may also seem like a daunting task. The task includes steps such as seeking applicants, reviewing applications, narrowing down the pool of candidates, interviewing potential candidates, and…

Helping Herself by Helping Others

Niki Lannigan used to think that when she grew up, she would “move to a big city … but it never happened,” she said. Instead, this married mother of four spends her days in Lancaster County living, working, and helping…

The Doctor of Cars

Jasmine Rivera, the owner of Vellons, an auto shop in York, loves the people in her city, and it is pretty clear that they love her right back.      “I’m proud of what I do for them … they consider…